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Access install theme functionality in your WP admin
The first thing you need to do when you want to install a new WordPress theme is to login to your site admin page. Once there, go to Appearance -> Themes.
Here, you will see all the themes you have currently installed in your application. To add another one, simply click on the Install Themes tab.
On this page there are two ways to add a new theme. You can either use the search field which will return results from the theme directory or you can upload a theme from your local hard drive. In this tutorial we will show you how to add themes in both ways.
Adding Investment Themes using the Administration Panels
Upload a Investment theme you have already downloaded:
- Extract
- Find file(Main theme file)
- Upload

Adding Investment Theme by using cPanel
If your host offers the cPanel control panel, and the Theme files are in a .zip or .gz archive follow these instructions. Note: This assumes the Theme you download is a compressed (.zip) file containing a folder under which all the Theme files reside.
- Download the Theme .zip file to your local machine.
- In cPanel File Manager, navigate to your Themes folder. If your WordPress is installed in the document root folder of your web server you would navigate to “public_html/wp-content/themes” and if you have WordPress installed in a sub-folder called wordpress, you would navigate to “public_html/wordpress/wp-content/themes”.
- Once you’ve navigated to the Themes folder in cPanel File Manager, click on Upload file(s) and upload that .zip file you saved in Step 1.
- Once the .zip file is uploaded, click on the name of that file in cPanel, then in the panel to the right, click on “Extract File Contents”, and that .zip file will be uncompressed.
- Follow the instructions below for selecting the new Theme.
Adding New Themes Manually (FTP)
To add a new Theme to your WordPress installation, follow these basic steps:
- Download the Theme archive and extract the files it contains. You may need to preserve the directory structure in the archive when extracting these files. Follow the guidelines provided by your Theme author.
- Using an FTP client to access your host web server, create a directory to save your Theme in the wp-content/themes directory provided by WordPress. For example, a Theme named Test should be in wp-content/themes/test. Your Theme may provide this directory as part of the archive.
- Upload the Theme files to the new directory on your host server.
- Follow the instructions below for selecting the new Theme.
Selecting the Active Theme
To select a Theme for your site:
- Log in to the WordPress Administration Panels.
- Select the Appearance panel, then Themes.
- From the Themes panel, roll over the Theme thumbnail image for the Theme you are interested in to see options for that theme.
- You can view more information about any theme by clicking Theme Details.
- A live preview of any Theme (using your blog’s content) can be seen by clicking Live Preview.
- To activate the Theme click the Activate button.
Your selection will immediately become active.